Darton Environmental

Environmental Aspects

Thinking Green

America is the largest consumer of fossil fuels in the world.

America is the largest consumer of fossil fuels in the world.

Your customers are aware of the environmental issues that we all face. Only in recent years have we truly begun to realize how fragile our environment is. More than ever, people today are Thinking GREEN and choosing businesses that are Going GREEN, and that includes the restaurants where they choose to dine.

Darton Environmental is committed to providing you, and your customers, the grease recycling services needed to sustain a healthy environment. 100% of the waste grease collected by Darton Environmental is recycled into clean burning biodiesel. By participating in our green program, you become a valuable partner in our environmental efforts to fuel a greener future. If you are a green restaurant, please talk to us about how we can work together to promote your partnership with us in our campaign to Re-Fuel America.

Currently, the U.S. consumes a quarter of the world's daily production of crude oil, 19.6 million barrels of oil per day. 70% of that oil is consumed by the transportation sector, due in part by the fact that our country uses the LEAST fuel efficient vehicles in the world.

Busses and Trucks

The U.S. economy relies heavily on diesel-powered vehicles for transportation and industry.

  • Diesel represents 20% of all US transportation fuel consumption, or 56 billion gallons per year.
  • Diesel engines provide the power to move 94% of all freight in the U.S.
  • Diesel is used in 95% of all transit buses and heavy construction machinery.
  • Every day, diesel power transports 14 million children to school, moves 18 million tons of freight and moves 14 million U.S. commuters via bus.

Biodiesel for School Buses

Cleaner Running Busses

Cleaner Running Busses

Leading science firms are discovering the dirty diesel secret that may well tarnish your image of the familiar yellow school bus.

The exhaust from diesel fuel, which powers about 95 percent of the more than 505,000 school buses on U.S. roads today, is linked with asthma, heart disease, cancer, and even premature death.

Did You Know?

  • Asthma is the most common reason for absenteeism from school
  • Each year 10 million school days are lost due to asthma

Recent studies have found that diesel pollution can concentrate inside school buses, posing a risk to your child's health.

Children who ride the school bus may be exposed to up to four times more toxic diesel exhaust than someone traveling in a car directly in front of it. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, excess exhaust levels inside school buses were 23 to 46 times higher than levels considered to be a significant cancer risk.

Cleaner Running Busses

Cleaner Running Busses

Darton Environmental is committed to collecting and processing waste cooking oil into Biodiesel which can be used on your child's school bus. Biodiesel works in any diesel engine with few or no modifications and offers schools a relatively inexpensive option for an immediate solution to air quality concerns.

Biodiesel will enable our kids to breathe cleaner air on the way to and from school, all while utilizing a local, renewable and recycled alternative fuel.


Global Warming

Global warming is a significant threat to life on earth. With polar ice caps melting, an increase in hurricanes and the earth's overall temperature rising, we are at a crucial point in the history of our planet to make some critical changes.

Cleaner Air & Health Effects

Biodiesel Exhaust Has About 47% Lower Particulate Matter

Biodiesel Exhaust Has About 47% Lower Particulate Matter

  • Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. According to a recent study jointly sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the production and use of biodiesel creates 78% less carbon dioxide emissions than conventional diesel fuel.
  • Breathing particulate has been shown to be a human health hazard. The exhaust emissions of particulate matter from biodiesel are about 47 percent lower than that from petro diesel.
  • Biodiesel also reduces the carcinogenic properties of diesel fuel. The U.S. Department of Energy found a 93.6% lower risk of cancer from biodiesel emissions than from petro diesel.

Biodiesel Protects Our Fresh Water

Do Your Part To Save The Planet

Do Your Part To Save The Planet

The U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Energy analysis of biodiesel's production found it reduces wastewater by 79% and reduces hazardous waste production by 96% when compared to petro diesel.

Unlike petroleum-based diesel, biodiesel fuel is free of sulfur impurities. Burning biodiesel effectively eliminates sulfur oxide and sulfate emissions, which are major contributors to acid rain.

America produces 12 billion pounds of waste cooking oil each year. Just imagine if all of this could be converted into the clean burning alternative fuel known as Biodiesel.

Biodiesel derived from the waste cooking oil that we collect is arguably the greenest liquid fuel available. The primary ingredient is a post-consumer waste product.

Waste Is the New Energy

Re-Fuel America

Recycle, Recover, Reuse, Renew, Replenish, Resource
Together We Can Make A Difference

With the help of business owners like you, we can protect the environment and improve the quality of life on the planet we share.

Biodiesel, Tomorrows Fuel Today

Contact Darton Environmental


701 Railroad Avenue
Bedford, VA 24523


Tap To Call (540) 580-5344

Fax Us: (540) 586-4876

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© 2025 Darton Environmental — An Alternative Energy Corp

Website by: JohnCook3.com